We Aim To Make Your Life Better

Sunbury Medicare Urgent Care Clinic

Sunbury Medicare Urgent Care Clinic (UCC) is now open at Goonawarra Medical Centre everyday from 8am to 10pm. 

Please click here for more information.

Anyone under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult, who will be required to sign the consent form on their behalf.

Our goal is to Provide Best Health Care for Your Family

The Goonawarra Medical Centre was established in 1982 and is situated in the outer metropolitan suburb of Sunbury. Since inception, it has grown to accommodate 11 General Practitioners, a well established Diabetic Clinic, headed by an Endocrinologist, Diabetic Educator, Dietitian and Podiatrists. The centre has various Visiting Consultants and Medical Specialists with related Health Care Workers and Support Staff.

The Centre has a Cardiology Specialist service which includes- Consulting Cardiologist, 24 Hour Holter Monitoring, Transthoracic Echocardiograghy and Stress Echocardiograghy facilities.

The Centre also incorporates Australian 4Cyte Pathology Collection Centre, Goonawarra Pharmacy and Smile In Style Dental clinic.

Committed to ongoing professional development:

The Centre also has medical students from Monash University and Melbourne University for the GP component of their program.
Senior Practitioners at the centre also act as Mentors / Supervisors for ‘Overseas Trained Doctors’ under supervision, and also prepares its General Practitioners towards their fellowship -FRACGP.

GENERAL PRACTICE REGISTRARS’-The Centre is Registered with Victorian Medical Alliance and can accept Fourth Year General Practice Registrar’s. 

Health services available at this clinic

Our Speciality

GP Clinic

Care for all common medical conditions and consult patients to hospitals and other medical services for urgent and specialist treatment.


Provide diagnostic and treatment services in a specific area of medicine, generally for a particular disease or body system.

Allied Health

Allied health practitioners provide essential care for people of all ages including children, older people, people with chronic illnesses or mental ill-health, and those experiencing disability.

Diabetic Clinic

This clinic assists in the management of diabetes and secondary problems related to diabetes.

Cardiac Clinic

We bring years of clinical experience, research, and innovation to the evaluation and treatment of the cardiovascular condition.

Other Services

Treatment Rooms For minor procedures and emergencies (includes “After Hours” emergency care).

Onsite pathology services

Pathology services are provided by 4Cyte pathology.

Diabetes Educator

Dr. Daniel Chew

Exercise Physiologist

Ms. Jessica Knaggs


Dr. Nikil Charita


Mr. Peter Mulkearns
Ms. Suzanne Soloqvest

Cardiac Technologists

Tracy Muir, Ngaire Smith


Shu-Mei Cheong


Available allied health services


Available Allied Health Services

Diabetes Educator

Ashvin Nursing

Exercise Physiologist

Ms. Jessica Knaggs


Dr. Nikil Charita


Mr. Peter Mulkearns
Ms. Suzanne Soloqvest


Ms. Minh Tham Nguyen


James McFarlane


Mr. David See


Available Specialist Services

The Centre has a Bulk Billed Cardiology Specialist service which includes- Consulting Cardiologist, Holter monitoring, Transthoracic Echocardiograghy and Stress Echocardiograghy facilities.


Dr. Nagesh Anavekar

General Surgeon

Dr. LP Cheah


Dr. Susima Pallemulla


Dr. Parul Bali

Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Namrata Anavekar

Endocrinologist Diabetes Specialist


Dr. Samina Kausar

Goonawarra Health Services

Our Facilities

Wait in Comfort

Treatment Room

Disability Access


Making an

Making an

Book online or call for bookings.


Health News

Gynaecologist joining our clinic!!

Services include:

Mirena Insertion & Removal
Treatment & Management of Endometriosis
Management of Menopause

Please call our clinic on 03 9744 9999 to book